Story Time

Preschool Story Time
Preschool Story Time returns to In-person beginning in April.
- Story Time
- 2021-04-13T10:00:00-04:00
- 2021-04-13T10:30:00-04:00
- Preschool Story Time returns to In-person beginning in April.
- When Apr 13, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM (US/Eastern / UTC-400)
- Previous dates.
- Where Jonesville District Library
- Contact Name Gisele Sutton
- Contact Phone 5178499701
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Join us for Preschool Story Time - back in the Library. Enjoy stories, songs, and activities with weekly themes.
April 6 - Spring is Here!
April 13 - Money Hopscotch Play Story (celebrating Financial Wellness Month)
April 20 - Farm Day
April 27 - Butterfly Fun
This Story Time is designed for ages 6 and under and is open to all abilities.
Limited Capacity, Social Distancing, and Face Masks are required.
Please Note: As State and Local Mandates change, the Jonesville District Library may need to modify programming and adjust events. If needed, we will move programming outdoors or virtual through Zoom. Any changes to our programs or services will be posted in the library, on our website, and on our Facebook page.